Bulk Milk Haulers and Plant Samplers
Each farm bulk tank pickup driver, whether he is full-time,
part-time or a relief driver, must be licensed in the state (Nevada) in which
milk is picked up, or in the state in which milk is delivered.
A bulk milk hauler shall not collect milk from any dairy farm for
delivery to a milk plant, receiving station or transfer station unless the farm
holds a valid permit from the Nevada Department of Agriculture.
A bulk
milk hauler/sampler's license can be revoked or suspended for manipulating
measurements or weights, falsifying samples, or having improper sampling
Bulk milk pickup drivers shall
maintain good hygiene, shall maintain a clean and neat appearance and not use
any tobacco in the milk room. Driver must not walk around barn lot or any other
farm areas prior to entering milk house.
It is essential that
the bulk milk pickup driver and the truck he operates have on hand or have
access to the NECESSARY EQUIPMENT to pickup milk. Since the universal sampling
method is the only method used in the State of Nevada, only the equipment
needed for universal sampling is listed below:
1. Sampling instruments: Several types may be used a) seamless stainless steel tube, b) seamless stainless steel dipper with a long handle and capacity of not less than 10ml, c) single-service sample tubes, or d) any other means approved by the Department for removing the sample from the farm bulk tank in a sanitary manner.
2. Sanitizing solution: The sanitizing solution
must be of proper strength and should be discarded and replaced with a fresh
solution daily or sooner if necessary. Two commonly used sanitizers and the
strength in which they should be used are: lodine, 25 parts per million;
Chlorine, 100 parts per million.
3. Sanitizer field test kit:
Used to measure the strength of the sanitizing solution.
4. Dial or digital thermometer: The
thermometer must be checked every six months or more often if necessary and
must be accurate to 2 degrees Fahrenheit. Bi-metal stem or electronic
thermometers are recommended for haulers to determine the temperature of milk.
Glass, mercury-type thermometer, although more accurate, are not recommended,
because glass and mercury will fall into the milk if the thermometer is broken
during use. The thermometer should be checked for accuracy every six months, if
there is a reason to believe that it is inaccurate, or if it is dropped.
The accuracy of the thermometer can be checked by:
a. Immersing the
stem or probe 2 to 4 inches in a mixture of three parts crushed ice and one
part water with constant agitation. When the reading stabilizes, 2 to 3
minutes, the thermometer should register 32°F (0°C).
Compare the thermometer to an officially calibrated thermometer in a 32° to
40°F (0°to 4.4°C) liquid in the laboratory at least once every six
When necessary, the thermometer should be adjusted
to the correct temperature. Most dial thermometers have an adjusting nut under
the dial. The date the thermometer was checked along with the name of the
person who did the calibrating should appear on a tag on the thermometer stem
or case.
Waterproof indelible marker: Waterproof, felt tip pen to use when it is
necessary to write the producer's identification number on the sample and
identify the temperature control sample. Preprinted producer I.D. labels are
highly recommended.
Sample case: The sample case should be constructed of rigid metal or plastic,
and insulated for safe transportation of the samples. The case must have ample
space to hold samples as well as refrigerant which is needed to cool and
maintain samples at 32°F-40°F (0°-4.4°C). A rack or float to keep the samples
in an upright position is essential because the neck of the sample containers
must be kept above the surface of the cooling medium. The level of the
refrigerant should be kept at the level of the milk in the sample
7. Watch: A watch to time the agitation of the milk in the bulk
tanker prior to sampling.